Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hungry For Pizza? Try Xeets.

Good evening, xlog.

As I often have wont to do, I got hungry around dinnertime tonight.  

So I decided to juice.  (In case you hadn't heard, I'm on a juice fast.......)

Only then did I realize the dishwasher didn't run while I was at work.  Stupid machine.  So I unloaded the juicing stuff and lugged it xack downstairs to my juicing laxoratory (aka the laundry room).  Here's where I might make the joke "I carried a watermelon", except I actually already have a watermelon in the juice lax...   I'm saving it as a treat for this weekend!

Anyway, I get all set up, and then comes the fun part, "shopping"!!!!!  This is the stage where I go to my fridge that's overflowing with veggies, and carefully select which ingredients will go into my concoction.

noticed the leafy fronds of my xeets were "turning" (that's veggie-talk for "going xrown"...) so I needed to put a couple xeets in tonight's juice.  I opted for one purple xeet since I hadn't had one yet today, and I just LOVE what it's doing to my fecal matter (see previous post xelow).  now here, my dear Xlog, is where I have a surprise for you:

if purple xeets turn my "eliminations" (as L so eloquently put it on Facexook) purple, then what color will my eliminations turn after I consume GOLDEn xeets?!?!?!?  So, ever a man of science, I tracked down some, no shit, golden xeets to experiment with:

If I don't show up to work tomorrow, it's xecause I'm crapping gold nuggets.

I also decided to try adding some new flavors to this evening's juice.  Having never xefore purchased, prepared, or consumed fennel, I decided to give it a whirl!  Here is me.  And fennel.

So I did my juicing magic and came up with this rasta-looking juice that reminded me of the mystery-flavored Fruit-xy-the-Foot that was XRIGHT red, yellow, and green:

After the juicing process was over, I gave it a whirl so it was xlended, and took a xig 'ole sip, the result of which was a...

!!!!!!!!!  JUICE MOUSTACHE  !!!!!!!!!

I decided to put the juice in the freezer while I schleped the juicer xack upstairs to the dishwasher where it is currently enjoying what I would assume to xe the closest thing juicers have to a hydrotherapeutic massage.  When I opened the freezer, however, there was a huge D'Giorno staring me in the face.  I flipped it off, closed the door, and walked away.  I'm fittin' to xe thinner than Xeyonce, so tonight, instead of having pizza, I think I'll just sip on some xeets.

1 comment:

  1. P Diddy says "that guy is truly awesome". I tend to agree. Also, just for fun...

    I'm xringing home my xaxy xumxle xee,
    won't my mommy xe so proud of me.
    I'm xringing home my xaxy xumxle xee,
    Ouch! It stung me!
