Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 1 - 00.0 lost - How & Where I Juice

Here are a couple pics of my set-up and my first go at juicing this morning.

(As an aside, I'm currently drinking my first beet-based juice.  It tastes like I'm drinking citrus-y dirt.  Like, take potting soil, add a lemon and some water, puree on high, and that's the taste I'm drinking right now).

So here's the journey our veggies will take every morning.

First, we select the produce from the fridge based on the recipe:

Next we have to do all the washing, chopping, peeling (or not), etc. to prepare the produce and maximize the nutrients will squeeze out during the juicing process:

Finally, we juice:

and package the juice so it's easily accessible all day (after all, who wouldn't want their liquid dirt to be immediately handy at all times?!?):

The whole process took me two full hours this morning.  I think from here on out I'll prep the produce the night before, then just juice in the morning.  By having the produce sorted by recipe and all ready to just dump into the juicer, I'll hopefully have less time from fridge to mouth in the mornings!

So far it's going well.  I'm not hungry, but that's definitely because I binged all weekend.

What I actually want more than food is a cigarette.  I would love a cigarette right now.  Just to luxuriously and slowly puff on out on the tarmac here at my airport office.  My friend S, a non-smoker herself, asked "have you ever quit smoking cold turkey before?"  I have, and it was a non-issue then, so I brushed the question off.  Today, however, I realize the deeper significance:  "Have you ever quit smoking [AND caffeine AND alcohol AND solid food ALL AT THE SAME TIME] cold turkey before?"  The question becomes much more malicious in those terms.

That's all for now - I'm about to go slam a bottle of green juice.  Hopefully it'll be better than the beet monstrosity (misleadingly titled "Middle Eastern Beet Dream") and I'll have found a new favorite juice recipe.  Off to the fridge!

1 comment:

  1. Your fridge looks AMAAAAAZING! I'm so impressed with how you jumped right in this morning!
