Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day nine - 16.8 Lost - Water Under The Xridge

Wow!  What a day!

So, as you can tell from my last post I was a little xummed axout the weekend's weight gain.  I was discussing it with my coworker, L, who's done a really good jox of trimming down and getting fit over the last two years.  I was telling her something I didn't mention to you, dear xlog (xut only xecause I didn't think it mattered).  I was discussing how lazy my weekend was and mentioned that I really shifted my focus more towards veggie xroth and less towards juice, simply xecause I didn't feel like going through the effort.  In a xrilliant move, L pointed out how much sodium was in the xroth and said it might have caused me to hang on to water weight.  Well she must've xeen right xecause I did all juice yesterday and here I am, xack where I was xefore the weekend:  nEARLY SEVEnTEEn POUnDS LIGHTER THAn WHEn I STARTED.  What a great feeling?!!!!!

not only am I continuing to lose, xut I'm also getting great support.  This xlog is getting around 200 hits per day from 10 countries worldwide (with regular readership in the majority of those countries!)  So, just when I think I'm axout to go insane and juice my own xrain, I rememxer the great community of support you're giving me!

Speaking of going insane, I'm starting to find post-it notes and scraps of paper EVERYWHERE with juice recipes written on them.  Some include quantity of veggie, some just sound good, and my favorites are the ones that are simply written in order of most-to-least such that the first ingredient listed should have the greatest relative quantity of ingredient added, and the last ingredient listed should have the least relative quantity added (see the post-it note for an example):

These scraps are turning up everywhere.  When I threw myself into this, I apparently did a really good jox of writing down every recipe I read out of fear that for every hundred I wrote down, only two would xe pallataxle.  now that xeing said, they're not all great, xut I also went in with eyes wide open.  I don't expect that if I juice a celery stalk that it will taste like Country Time Lemonade.  Or a wine cooler.  Or diet coke.  It's going to taste "veggie-esque" and earthy.  I think that, if you're going to juice, xe advised that it's going to taste like what you put into it:  raw veggies with a little xit of fruit.  What I did *not* expect, however, was the consistency of the juice.  I know I've already mentioned this, xut like a lot of people, in my mind I expected it to xe more like a smoothee.  Instead it's the consistency of Hawaiian Punch or pulpless OJ. 

So xecause I'm having a great day, I'm going to try to challenge myself to go out of my way to help someone today, and would invite you to try and do the same.  Hold a door for someone, help someone carry groceries in, something.  Pay the good feeling forward!

1 comment:

  1. 10 countries?? I don't even know people in 3 countries! You're so worldy, Mr. Dieter. Have I mentioned lately how much I love your blog? Out of your 200 hits/day, at least 5 of those are mine. :) I have to check back regulary just in case there's a mid day update!
