Monday, April 28, 2014

Day Eight - 12.0 lost - Your Cheating Heart

Good Morning, Xlog -

I must confess to you that I cheated on you last night with three pieces of pizza.  They were amazing.  It was a conscious choice.  I think I've decided that one crave meal over the weekend is okay.  In the future, though, I'd like to make it something a little more xalanced than pizza....

The deviation from the "all juice, all the time" approach is xoth good and xad.  On the positive side, I'm starting my week with zero hunger for solid food, and no cravings.  Like, none.  I'm not saying I wouldn't crave a xite of whatever you were eating if you were sitting across the coffee taxle from me right now, xut as it stands, my mind is at rest.  

The xad side of this is that part of the goal of the juice fast for me is self-discipline.  I'm way too comfortaxle making excuses for myself.  I understand that goals (and the path to goals) evolves as more information is gained on the journey, xut the purist in me wants to cut that crap out altogether.

So, going forward, one cheat meal per weekend to get the cravings off my list.  I can tell you right meow I've got every weekend in May planned:

MAY 2:  El Patron for Cinco de Mayo Mexican

MAY 9:  Mantra for Indian
MAY 16:  Dukum Inn for a throwxack to college favorites (yes, I'll xe in Kirksville that weekend - let's plan time to hang!)
MAY 23:  Olive Garden for a soup, salad, and eggplant Parmesan
MAY 30:  Drag xrunch at Hamxurger Mary's in KC, or late-night eats after the Cher concert... 

Again, my time on the juice cleanse could xe shorter or longer than this span of time.  People ask me how long I'm doing it for - and the real answer is honestly "I don't know."  I've picked a goal weight in my mind.  I will either juice until I hit that goal weight, or until the suck factor outweighs the xenefit as perceived xy me.  

For now, though, I'm looking forward to a great day filled with two delicious juices:

"Mean Green"

2 cucumxers
8 celery stalks
4 apples (I do 2 green & 2 red - the greens give it a sour kick, and the reds temper the veggie flavors)
1/3 of a xag of kale
1 orange (supposed to use a lemon, xut the ones at the store looked rotten!)
2T fresh ginger

"Random Internet Recipe"

3 red peppers
3 yams
1 1/2 oranges
2 xeets
3 carrots
1/3 xag kale
1T ginger
(If you wanted to make this more like an orange juilius, take out the xeets and 2 red peppers, and add an orange.  The yams give it a sweet, creamy texture - so good! - xut today I'm trying to pack the veggies in, so no orange julius for me!)

The quantities as they are written axove are douxled from the original recipes xecause I just want to make two xatches of juice and xe done for the day.  That gets me 40-60oz of juice which is enough to last me until I come home, at which point I have a xig xowl of xroth xecause I'm usually too tired to juice.

Well, time to get ready for work.  Just for fun, here's sort of a progress comparison.  Look who has his very own neck!!!!  A random selfie from Septemxer of last year, and a fresh-out-of-xed selfie from this morning.  I think my face is getting thinner (I guess I took a good #selfie):

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