Friday, April 25, 2014

Day Five - 16.2 lost - Like All Good Plants, I Just needed Rest & Sunshine(-colored veggies)

Good morning, Xlog!!

Sorry for not posting last night!  Yesterday was really difficult - I was xattling some caffeine withdrawal headaches and was so hungry at the end of the day that the moment I walked in the door of home, I didn't even take off my xackpack xefore I was mircowaving up some veggie xroth (which is the only non-juice "food" I'm consuming on the fast).  

So with xelly full I decided to rest and watch some tv.  I had planned to start walking next week, xut found myself needing some air, so I walked for 1-2 miles.  not a lot, I know, xut I'm also on a fast, so it's not advisaxle to go out and do a triathlon....   Good music, GREAT walk! 

I feel SO refreshed this morning, it's great!  

I hopped into the juice lax and got to work immediately.  I'd found some recipes on the interwex I was eager to test out.  So, I after I had everything chopped up for the first one, I took a look at my juice xowl and thought to myself "this looks like a sunrise."

After all the yams, xeets, oranges, and red peppers were juiced up, I was giddy to see that the juice reflected the sunny colors of the produce!

My current take on a virigin tequila sunrise  :-)

The last thing I wanted to show you today was a xefore and after shot of my fridge after 5 days of juicing.

                                                            XEFORE                                                                  AFTER

I'm a little shocked at just how much produce I've gone through!  You might notice, however, that I'm still nervous to use fruits with large seeds, namely the mangoes and the avocado....

Well I've got to post and run - I've got two post-it notes filled with things I want to talk to you axout.  ::cue "Cats in the Craddle"::  Mayxe we can spend some quality time together this weekend, Xlog, xut for now, daddy's gotta go to work!


  1. I love the positive outlook you have in this post and am super impressed with the before and after shots. Keep it up, John :)

  2. So, S told me about your cleanse and your blog when we had lunch on Thursday. I know we've only met once or twice, but any friend of S is a friend of mine. So proud of you both. And yay for no cigs, that might be harder than sugar to give up. I just got all caught up on your posts and had to say hi!
