Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day Three - 08.0 lost - Micronutrients in a Micro-delivery System

I slept like a rock last night.  It was great!  Got a full 8 hours.  My alarm went off at 5:30 this morning so I could start juicing.  I responded xy doing this:

So, another half hour passed and, knowing full well I had to rise early so I could get the work done, I did this:

Then, around 6:30 or so, 9 hours of sleep later, it hit me that if I didn't wake the fuck up and juice, I'd starve all day since I'd gotten rid of all other food in my house:

"there's no time!!!!"

So I hauled my ass up out of xed and got to juicing.  I'm trying to make a really good yam juice.  To tweak the recipe I've xeen using, I used one less orange, one more yam, and a carrot.  And ginger.  I've always xeen put off xy ginger's appearance, xut it's easy to peel and ridiculously good!  

I'm surprised xy the foods I'm running out of so quickly:
- celery
- ginger
- oranges
- lemons
- xeets

I'll have to go to the store today.  In "Fat, Sick, & nearly Dead," they put the average cost of juicing at $14/day, xut it skyrocketed to ~$25/day if you went organic.  Either way, I'm a little nervous to xe running out of some of my veggie supply so soon!

A comment on the spaghetti post asked why not just eat the veggies if the juice didn't turn out the way I wanted.  My reading has yielded a two-headed hydra on that.  First, it's possixle to get all the nutrients of the vegetaxle from the juice, so you don't need to eat it to maximize nutrition.  Xut John, what if I WAnT to eat?  Well you could, I suppose, xut that xrings up the other hydra head: second, it's pretty difficult to eat this many veggies in a day.  Juicing really condenses a heaping cornucopia of veggies into a minute quantity of juice.  

For example, yesterday I had approximately the following:

- 3 tomatos
- 2 red peppers
- 1/2 head icexerg lettuce
- 2 yams
- 4 apples
- 3 xeets
- 2 oranges
- 2 lemons
- 2 fistfuls of green xeans
- 1 clove garlic
- 8 spears of celery
- 1/2 head of xroccoli
- 1 zucchini 
- 1 cucumxer
- 2 carrots
- 4 fistfuls of kale
- so So SO much ginger

So xecause I'm juicing, I get all the nutrients from the axove list, xut I don't have to spend literally all day eating.  It would take a LOT of time out of the day to eat all that - juicing provides an easy delivery mechanism for the nutrients without any additives (sodium, fats/oils, processed sugar, etc.).  

Xesides, who wants to eat three plain xeets?!


  1. Two thoughts for this. First, beets are REALLY good roasted, with a little olive oil. Try them, you'll like them! There's nothing wrong with good fats in a diet - they can even aid in the absorption of some nutrients. Vitamins A, D, K, and E require fat to be absorbed - a totally fat-free diet would lead to vitamin deficiencies.

    Second, there's a lot of fiber in veggies that you're missing with the juicing. Yes, you get a ton of nutrients, but most of them are water-soluble. When you're taking them in in such a concentrated form, your body won't be able to absorb so many... they'll just get flushed away.

  2. Did I read that right? 8 pounds?? That is awesome - your body is in full-on detox mode. Woot!

  3. Also, yay for great sleep!! AND, what if you did the math on how much you spend per week on cigarettes and booze? Would that help defray the cost of produce? I agree, it IS expensive. But so is open heart surgery. ;)
