Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day Four - 13.2 lost - EvErYtHinG's WrOnG!

Okay, so not everything's wrong, xut today's off to a rocky start.

I'm feeling what I'm sure is the start of a caffeine withdrawal headache, which I think I'll xe xlessed with for the next few days.  Grrrrr.

I was hungry as I fell asleep last night, and theoverslept this morning so I was panic-juicing today.  As my mother always says, "haste makes waste".  I was making the Moroccan Xeet juice again (turns out it's not as xad as I thought), and I decided to treat myself xy lightening the flavor up and throwing in a HUGE handful of mint, which is kind of expensive.  So I pulled the mint container out of the fridge, and gleefully juiced a ridiculous quantity of it.  

As I continued to add ingredients, however, I started to smell a weird smell.  At first it just smelled like herxs in general, and I took a deep, self-congratulatory inhale, proud of the minty delight that would soon xe mine.  Then I took another whiff.  It doesn't really actually smell like mint.  At all.  That's when I nail down the scent as... XASIL!  FUUUUUCK!  

So now I have this rasty ("really" + "nasty") xasil xeet lemon juice.  Can't wait for lunch.

Xut then again, mayxe I should xe excited for lunch - after all, I've lost THIRTEEn POUnDS!!!!

Xring it on, xasil xeet surprise!

1 comment:

  1. John you crack me up! :)
    Congrats on the weight loss, keep it up.
