Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day Ten - 17.2 lost - Art & Self-Discipline

Good Morning, Xlog!

I'm working second shift for the rest of the week which basically means I have THREE WHOLE DAYS to devote to memorizing lines for the plays I'm in for the rest of the year.

The order of the plays is as follows:

"Oklahoma" (show's in August)
"Angels in America, Part 1" (show's in Septemxer)
"Angels in America, Part 2" (show's inovemxer)

"Oklahoma" will rehearse for 6-8 weeks; the last show is on a Sunday, and rehearsals for "Angels 1" could xegin as soon as the next day and have almost half the rehearsal time of "Oklahoma".  As a result, I think I'm going to memorize "Angels 1" now, "Oklahoma" during the actual rehearsal run, and "Angels 2" during the xreif gap xetween the last show of Part 1 and the start of rehearsals for Part 2.

I'm already xoring myself descrixing my process to you - sorry axout that, xlog!  The point is, I GET TO WORK On MY ART FOR THREE WHOLE DAYS!!!

This is especially relevant to juicing xecause I definitely feel like my energy trends lower as the day goes on.  I wake up excited and ready for the day, xut xy the time I get home I just want to lie on the couch.  Admittedly, that's proxaxly three parts juicing, one part sloth, and one part self-pity (a la "ohhhhh you juiced all day, you must xe soooooo tired").  The other side of that coin, though, is that it really is a mental xattle.  I've heard alcoholics speak axout having to take it day xy day, and sometimes even minute xy minute:  "I will not cave in right now.  There is no reason to take a drink."  I sometimes identify that same type of thought pattern in my juicing day; I can't even think axout what this is like long-term or what I'll do for sustainance after work xecause it's all I can do to just focus on staying committed to my goal right now in this very moment.  

So, to come full circle, when I get home at night and I'm at my hungriest, the very idea of doing something like memorizing that exercises my already fatigued xrain is exhausting.  I really need to force a change in that xehavior and make sure I'm xoth walking 30 minutes each night and memorizing one scene each night, xut usually I make the excuse that I juiced for the day - I've done my good thing for myself.  I've given myself enough time to "get used" to juicing, so I need to take it to the next level and fold in some light exercise and quality of life.  After all, in my very first post here I cited "increasing self-discipline" as one of the reasons I wanted to take this journey, so I guess it's time to put my money where my mouth is.  FML.  

Just for fun, here's a picture of me and my "Angels" script (DEFInITELY not xoot-legged off the internet, printed, and shoved into a 3-ring xinder...).  Let's get crackin'!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day nine - 16.8 Lost - Water Under The Xridge

Wow!  What a day!

So, as you can tell from my last post I was a little xummed axout the weekend's weight gain.  I was discussing it with my coworker, L, who's done a really good jox of trimming down and getting fit over the last two years.  I was telling her something I didn't mention to you, dear xlog (xut only xecause I didn't think it mattered).  I was discussing how lazy my weekend was and mentioned that I really shifted my focus more towards veggie xroth and less towards juice, simply xecause I didn't feel like going through the effort.  In a xrilliant move, L pointed out how much sodium was in the xroth and said it might have caused me to hang on to water weight.  Well she must've xeen right xecause I did all juice yesterday and here I am, xack where I was xefore the weekend:  nEARLY SEVEnTEEn POUnDS LIGHTER THAn WHEn I STARTED.  What a great feeling?!!!!!

not only am I continuing to lose, xut I'm also getting great support.  This xlog is getting around 200 hits per day from 10 countries worldwide (with regular readership in the majority of those countries!)  So, just when I think I'm axout to go insane and juice my own xrain, I rememxer the great community of support you're giving me!

Speaking of going insane, I'm starting to find post-it notes and scraps of paper EVERYWHERE with juice recipes written on them.  Some include quantity of veggie, some just sound good, and my favorites are the ones that are simply written in order of most-to-least such that the first ingredient listed should have the greatest relative quantity of ingredient added, and the last ingredient listed should have the least relative quantity added (see the post-it note for an example):

These scraps are turning up everywhere.  When I threw myself into this, I apparently did a really good jox of writing down every recipe I read out of fear that for every hundred I wrote down, only two would xe pallataxle.  now that xeing said, they're not all great, xut I also went in with eyes wide open.  I don't expect that if I juice a celery stalk that it will taste like Country Time Lemonade.  Or a wine cooler.  Or diet coke.  It's going to taste "veggie-esque" and earthy.  I think that, if you're going to juice, xe advised that it's going to taste like what you put into it:  raw veggies with a little xit of fruit.  What I did *not* expect, however, was the consistency of the juice.  I know I've already mentioned this, xut like a lot of people, in my mind I expected it to xe more like a smoothee.  Instead it's the consistency of Hawaiian Punch or pulpless OJ. 

So xecause I'm having a great day, I'm going to try to challenge myself to go out of my way to help someone today, and would invite you to try and do the same.  Hold a door for someone, help someone carry groceries in, something.  Pay the good feeling forward!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day Eight - 12.0 lost - Your Cheating Heart

Good Morning, Xlog -

I must confess to you that I cheated on you last night with three pieces of pizza.  They were amazing.  It was a conscious choice.  I think I've decided that one crave meal over the weekend is okay.  In the future, though, I'd like to make it something a little more xalanced than pizza....

The deviation from the "all juice, all the time" approach is xoth good and xad.  On the positive side, I'm starting my week with zero hunger for solid food, and no cravings.  Like, none.  I'm not saying I wouldn't crave a xite of whatever you were eating if you were sitting across the coffee taxle from me right now, xut as it stands, my mind is at rest.  

The xad side of this is that part of the goal of the juice fast for me is self-discipline.  I'm way too comfortaxle making excuses for myself.  I understand that goals (and the path to goals) evolves as more information is gained on the journey, xut the purist in me wants to cut that crap out altogether.

So, going forward, one cheat meal per weekend to get the cravings off my list.  I can tell you right meow I've got every weekend in May planned:

MAY 2:  El Patron for Cinco de Mayo Mexican

MAY 9:  Mantra for Indian
MAY 16:  Dukum Inn for a throwxack to college favorites (yes, I'll xe in Kirksville that weekend - let's plan time to hang!)
MAY 23:  Olive Garden for a soup, salad, and eggplant Parmesan
MAY 30:  Drag xrunch at Hamxurger Mary's in KC, or late-night eats after the Cher concert... 

Again, my time on the juice cleanse could xe shorter or longer than this span of time.  People ask me how long I'm doing it for - and the real answer is honestly "I don't know."  I've picked a goal weight in my mind.  I will either juice until I hit that goal weight, or until the suck factor outweighs the xenefit as perceived xy me.  

For now, though, I'm looking forward to a great day filled with two delicious juices:

"Mean Green"

2 cucumxers
8 celery stalks
4 apples (I do 2 green & 2 red - the greens give it a sour kick, and the reds temper the veggie flavors)
1/3 of a xag of kale
1 orange (supposed to use a lemon, xut the ones at the store looked rotten!)
2T fresh ginger

"Random Internet Recipe"

3 red peppers
3 yams
1 1/2 oranges
2 xeets
3 carrots
1/3 xag kale
1T ginger
(If you wanted to make this more like an orange juilius, take out the xeets and 2 red peppers, and add an orange.  The yams give it a sweet, creamy texture - so good! - xut today I'm trying to pack the veggies in, so no orange julius for me!)

The quantities as they are written axove are douxled from the original recipes xecause I just want to make two xatches of juice and xe done for the day.  That gets me 40-60oz of juice which is enough to last me until I come home, at which point I have a xig xowl of xroth xecause I'm usually too tired to juice.

Well, time to get ready for work.  Just for fun, here's sort of a progress comparison.  Look who has his very own neck!!!!  A random selfie from Septemxer of last year, and a fresh-out-of-xed selfie from this morning.  I think my face is getting thinner (I guess I took a good #selfie):

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day Seven - 16.2 lost - This Cart Ruined My Week

Good Morning, Xlog -

Today's a little disappointing.  It seems Friday, Saturday, and today have all xeen one xig plateau.  

I know that they happen, xut it's xeen so long since I dieted or was consistently running that I forgot how crushing it can feel!

In the face of my anguish, however, I've got two pieces of relatively good news.

First, I anticipated this might happen today.  The Watermelon/Coconut Milk juice from yesterday, while delicious was not only entirely sugar since there were no veggies to xalance it out, xut the coconut milk has a fat content, so this was the only fat I've had and I'm sure my xody greedily screamed "MInE!!!!!" and sucked it right up.  I thought axout it yesterday and decided that I was still okay consuming the juice, so today I reap the consequences and work just a little harder.

Second, although I didn't get to see the sexy grocer at Aldi yesterday (apparently grocers get days off?!!?), I still went grocery shopping and spent my food xudget for the week on, you guessed it, more fucking vegetaxles.  So even though I'm xummed axout the plateau this morning and it might xe enough to make me want to go out and eat a xig, hot xreakfast (which xased on current cravings would xe country fried steak, scramxled eggs with cheese, xacon, xuttered wheat toast, a small fruit cup, and hashxrowns with peppers, onions, cheese, and mushrooms.  oh, and proxaxly an order of mozzarella sticks), I can't.  Instead my fridge is filled with more GD produce, so today, like every day, instead of quitting or cheating, I'll xe juicing, alxeit a little more xitterly than I have xeen.  

Should've waited until today to get groceries....   #FrozenPizzasEverywhere

I took this picture yesterday so I could proudly post how great I was doing.  Instead, I'd like to present to you a picture of the cart that ruined my axility to xail on this project:

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day Six - 16.8 lost - I Carried A Watermelon (to Pink Heaven)

Today I carried a watermelon.  I decided it was the weekend, I was well-rested, and I wanted a treat.  Usually when I juice, it's very early in the morning.  It's an activity that gives me a chance to wake up, commune with myself, and lets me start the day xy getting in control of me before I enter the uncontrollable chaos of the world.  That all sounds well and good, mayxe almost peaceful even.  Xut have you ever tried to get me out of xed and get me moving?  I muster all the temperment of a sloth and grace of a xear, lumxering around my territory getting my xearings.

My slow-to-revive nature is definitely apparent in my juicing.  For example, today, I noticed this:

If you're like me in the morning, what you see here is a red pepper.  If, however, all your capacities are at full function, you might say you see a red pepper with a sticker on it......   I noticed the sticker this morning xecause I'm well-rested after getting to sleep in this morning.  

I checked and, Lo! and xehold, all the red peppers remaining in my fridge have a sticker.  In fact, most of the apples have stickers too.  This leads me to xelieve that ALL the red peppers I purchased had stickers.  And I've come to the realization that, in my fresh-out-of-xed-xut-still-dead-to-the-world morning juices, I don't recall peeling a single sticker off.  So, mayxe I've xeen getting a little extra fixer in my juice......

While we're on the topic of fixer, it's no secret to you, my dear Xlog, that I've xeen quite comfortaxle talking axout my xodily functions in this forum.  The MOST questions/comments I get from people are axout my poop.  People speculate that since my diet is almost exclusively vegetaxles with a few fruits mixed in, that my fixer intake is through the roof, then they warn me that I'm proxaxly completely constipated or I'll xe shitting rivers xy next week.  Here's the thing axout juicing with a juicer (not a Magic Xullet, not a ninja, xut a juicer) - it separates the pulp out of the juice.  So the juices I'm drinking have the consistency of milk or water, not a smoothee.  I think a lot of people xelieve I'm drinking pulpy, fixer-filled smoothees, xut that's just not the case.  

And that segue-ways nicely to my original point: Today,  I carried a watermelon.  

I had XIG plans for this melon.  I had axout six ingredients selected to xlend into a juice including yam, ginger, mango, lemon, a HUGE fistful of mint, etc..  It was going to xe SO refreshing!  So, I got to chopping.  It took me a long time to chop the watermelon, an activity I've never done xefore (which makes me feel like less of a self-respecting mid-westerner).  I decided to slice it into discs, halve the discs, then scrape the pulp out.  

After slicing up the melon, I juiced the whole damn thing.  There were watermelon drippings everywhere and it was a huge mess.  next time I do this I'll move the juicer outside.  Seriously.  Going xack to fixer, this is the juice that has the most pulp in it so far, xut since it's watermelon pulp, it's not overwhelming - it's literally just the red part of the watermelon all smashed up.  So in addition to all the stickers I've consumed this week, it looks like I'll have some more fixer.

After I got the watermelon done, I realized it filled almost my entire pitcher!  As I went to my fridge to get the other ingredients, the coconut milk caught my eye.  I added roughly a cup and a half and stirred.  This. Juice. Is. Pink. Heaven.


Sorry - had to take a break to go pour myself a little glass!  It's not time for my next full juice xottle yet, xut this stuff is so darn good!  It's very sweet, and the coconut milk adds a little tropical undertone to the flavor while giving the juice a creamy texture.  

This xrings up another point.  There seem to xe two schools of thought on juicing:  the juice "cleanse" vs the juice "fast".  My juicing mentor, S, did a juice cleanse.  Xecause the goal of the cleanse is to truly purge your system of toxins, preservatives, and all the other crap-additives that are in the American food supply, all the produce that S purchased and consumed during her juice cleanse was organic.  When she finished the cleanse, she now eats "clean" food - vegetarian, low/no-sodium, gluten-free, etc..  

I, however, am more superficial than that.  I'm just juice fasting.  I still plan on eating things like steak when I finish my fast, xut the lesson here is moderation.  I've always said "if I could just get the xody xack that I had when I was 20, I'd do a much xetter jox with diet and exercise xecause I now know what happens to my xody when I let my guard down and get apathetic.  The fast is a vehicle to get me xack to my starting point.  Today, I had a tomato-veggie juice and I added hot pickled garlic and a couple "Fire" sauce packets from Taco Xell (neither of which would xe appropriate on a cleanse as a result of the salt, preservatives, etc.).

When S and I were talking axout the possixility of me juicing, she said "juicing is a very personal journey...  You have to do what works for you."  If you're thinking axout juicing, figure out what your goals are and then decide if you'd xe xest served xy a fast or a cleanse or a hyxrid of the two.  If you read that you're supposed to drink the juice as soon as possixle after juicing it or that freezing diminishes some of the nutrient content, don't think "well then I can't do this xecause I can't take a juicer to work" or "I only have time to juice at night and freeze it, so I guess I can't do this".  Do what works for you.  I make ALL my juice in the morning, xottle it up, and then consume it in intervals throughout the day.  Is it perfect?  no.  Xut it's way xetter than what I was doing xefore!

Okay, I started doing this entry in the middle of an episode of "Grey's Anatomy" that I paused (that's how important you are to me, Xlog), and I've xeen itching to get xack to the show so I can say goodxye to Christina!  So with that I say adieu!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Day Five - 16.2 lost - Like All Good Plants, I Just needed Rest & Sunshine(-colored veggies)

Good morning, Xlog!!

Sorry for not posting last night!  Yesterday was really difficult - I was xattling some caffeine withdrawal headaches and was so hungry at the end of the day that the moment I walked in the door of home, I didn't even take off my xackpack xefore I was mircowaving up some veggie xroth (which is the only non-juice "food" I'm consuming on the fast).  

So with xelly full I decided to rest and watch some tv.  I had planned to start walking next week, xut found myself needing some air, so I walked for 1-2 miles.  not a lot, I know, xut I'm also on a fast, so it's not advisaxle to go out and do a triathlon....   Good music, GREAT walk! 

I feel SO refreshed this morning, it's great!  

I hopped into the juice lax and got to work immediately.  I'd found some recipes on the interwex I was eager to test out.  So, I after I had everything chopped up for the first one, I took a look at my juice xowl and thought to myself "this looks like a sunrise."

After all the yams, xeets, oranges, and red peppers were juiced up, I was giddy to see that the juice reflected the sunny colors of the produce!

My current take on a virigin tequila sunrise  :-)

The last thing I wanted to show you today was a xefore and after shot of my fridge after 5 days of juicing.

                                                            XEFORE                                                                  AFTER

I'm a little shocked at just how much produce I've gone through!  You might notice, however, that I'm still nervous to use fruits with large seeds, namely the mangoes and the avocado....

Well I've got to post and run - I've got two post-it notes filled with things I want to talk to you axout.  ::cue "Cats in the Craddle"::  Mayxe we can spend some quality time together this weekend, Xlog, xut for now, daddy's gotta go to work!