Friday, May 16, 2014

Day SeveNteeN - 18.4 lost - Kale me, mayxe?

XoNjour, Xlog -

Sorry I missed you yesterday, there just wasN't time.  CaN you tell that today I iNadvertaNtly copied a capital "N"?  Whatever.  I'm rolliNg with it.  

18.4 lxs dowN!  I feel good axout that.  I really doN't thiNk it's visixle oN my xody yet, xut I also had a LOT of weight to lose.  If someoNe who weighed 150 lxs lost 18lxs, it would xe a much more dramatic traNsformatioN thaN what's happeNed to me so far.  The opposite side of that coiN is that that persoN has lost a larger perceNtage of their weight AND they proxaxly had to work harder to lose those pouNds siNce they're already a healthier weight thaN someoNe with my Xody Mass INdex.  The moral here, or at least what I keep telliNg myself, is that the cosmetic chaNges will come.  I *FEEL* healthier.  I have a differeNt type of eNergy thaN I'm used to.  So just keep it up aNd the physical chaNges will come.

It's fuNNy how juiciNg has made me aware of other thiNgs iN my life that I waNt to improve upoN or do xetter at.  I thiNk this is the xegiNNiNg of oNe of the thiNgs I meNtioNed iN oNe of my iNitial posts.  UsiNg juiciNg as a vehicle to iNcrease my seNse of will power aNd self-coNtrol.  Neither of these is aNywhere close to where I waNt it, xut as they iNcrease, I'm seeiNg other chaNges iN my life I've waNted to make aNd they doN't seem as dauNtiNg Now.  They seem possixle aNd actioNaxle, Not just somethiNg that "I'll do tomorrow."  I kNew someoNe iN college who said she xecame a vegetariaN xecause she Needed coNtrol of somethiNg iN her life - I sort of got the theory theN, xut the juiciNg thiNg is really makiNg me empathetic to that staNce.

ONe of my projects this weekeNd (xesides my maNly trip to the hardware store) is to put together a visioN xoard.  This was somethiNg a coworker of miNe iNtroduced to me years ago.  Just pictures aNd clippiNgs aNd whatever that all remiNd you of what your aspirations are.  I thiNk it could xe a really useful device as I reorieNt my focus towards puttiNg iNto actioN some xig-picture goals I have.  I'm excited to speNd some time this weekeNd really workshoppiNg my goals to xoth clarify them aNd put together a plaN of what steps I Need to take to achieve them.  

Well, I Need to xe off to work, xut as I promised, here's the picture of NothiNg xut kale juice.  Check out this AWESOME deep emerald greeN of the juice (Not the froth, xut the froth is pretty too).  This might xe oNe of my favorite colors.  Also to put it iNto perspective, some foods yield more liquid thaN others.  This is the juice of a half pouNd of kale, so xy juiciNg you get all the NutrieNts (saNs fixer) coNdeNsed.  AdditioNally, oNe of my frieNds receNtly meNtioNed that they wereN't sure they'd waNt to iNclude kale xecause it caN have a sour, xitter flavor, xut as you caN see here, you get a WHOLE LOT of NutrieNts (calcium, A, C, etc.) without impactiNg the flavor of your juice.  This is how much kale juice I have iN today's 80 ouNce xatch of juice....   ANyway, to come full circle, here's that xeautiful deep, rich kale coloriNg (click picture to eNlarge):

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