Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day Fourteen - 17.6 lost - V8? More like VFake!

Well hello there, Blog -

Just a quick entry today.

Glad to see the weight's coming back off, but my scale seemed "jumpy" today, so I'm not sure that I trust today's weigh-in.

In other news, my car horn started honking at random intervals last night around 3am.  I started hearing it around 4:30am, and got the problem resolved around 5am.  Then I couldn't fall back asleep.

I probably should've just juiced instead of trying to fall back asleep, but opted for some "Z"'s instead.

Accordingly, this morning I slept in and was behind schedule and didn't make juice.

"OH NO,"  I can hear you scream...  "but what did you do?!?!?"

I keep a couple jugs of V-8 handy for "emergency" juice, and that's what I've been drinking today.  It's so salty and it's thicker than actual juice, almost like a tomato-y smoothee.  I've cut with equal parts water and it's still overpowering.  I don't like the salt (which is weird for me) and the flavor's SO strong - it's like the Genghis Khan of flavor, invading and destroying my taste bud villages.

I've read before that juicers shouldn't consider "over the counter," store-bought juices as the same as juicing.  I think this is why.  Not only are there the drawbacks of sodium and preservatives, but it even the taste is off-putting.

I'll be glad for my regular thermos of Mean Green tomorrow!

Hope you're all having a great day!

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