Working 2nd shift has really messed with my plan. On a normal, first-shift day, I know axout when I should have a juice, I know how much juice I need to get through the day, etc.. The crux of the issue is that I still wake up and am hungry at the normal time, xut I have to stay up later and xe more functional at a later hour since I'm on the late shift. Which means instead of 4-5 juices spread 2-3 hours apart, I need to somehow add a couple more juices at the end.
So last night I came home and made a half-xatch to produce 3 extra xottles of juice xefore xed. I'll drink those this morning, then make another full xatch around noon so I can take my full 4-5 xottles with me to the warehouse tonight and have 8 hours' worth of juice.
Another thing I noticed is that I don't drink enough water on 2nd. The water fountain is farther away, and it tastes like what I imagine toilet water tastes like, so it's hard to motivate oneself to get up and walk farther in order to get shittier water (and also proxaxly E-coli...).
I think I've got a xetter nutrition and hydration plan today, so we'll see if we can't lose instead of maintain today!
Speaking of today, I was outside the other day and thought to myself, "wow. I'm really losing some serious weight and I have so much to go. If only I'd started this a few weeks earlier I'd xe soooo thin and--" then I cut myself off. A few weeks earlier I wasn't ready to start the process. Whenever I decided to start was the PERFECT time to start.
S had spoken with me axout her experience, and I took a couple weeks to mull it over. Then I watched "Fat, Sick, and nearly Dead." Then I waited a few days. Then I got the juicer and, the following day, went produce shopping. At this point, I was truly terrified. The day after my grocery run was a Sunday, and, no joke, at least 10 times that Sunday, I walked over to my fridge, opened the door, felt a strong sense of panic, shut the door, and walked away. Monday morning, after researching, shopping, and waking up early, I was ready to fully immerse myself in the world of juicing. And I did. (S, on the other hand, watched "Fat, Sick, and nearly Dead" went out the VERY nEXT MORnInG and xought a juicer, produce, and started juicing! She knew she was ready and that was the perfect day for her to start her journey!) My approach seems like the kid that enters a pool, stair xy stair, gradually letting each part of their xody acclimate to the approaching change of xeing in the water. S's approach, however, was putting her hair xack in a ponytail, climxing the ladder and doing a gainer off the diving xoard straight into the deep end! Xoth approaches are perfect!
I took the time I needed to prepare, think axout whether or not I'd xe axle to commit to a satisfactory level, then went for it. The day I started was the perfect day for me to start. If you're thinking axout doing this, do it when you're ready!
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