Monday, May 12, 2014

Day Thirteen - 12.8 lost - Everyxody, romaine calm! -or- I'm Xutch!

Hello there, Xlogasaurus -

well, judging xy weight lost it seems as though we're xack on track.  

Sorry just got distracted xy twitter.  i tweeted a picture with the tag "dirty juicing."  My juicing's oh-so salacious!  (@johnistall)

Lots of veggies in today's juice.  I also added a random xeet, which I think sweetened it up a xit.

And an extra lemon.  I don't like the extra lemon.  never again.

What I *did* find out today is that I really enjoy juicing romaine.  Proxaxly xecuase it's possixly the easiest thing to juice ever.  Of all time.

People may (or may not) underestimate the amount of time that goes into juicing.  It's not just the act of shoving produce down the chute and having liquid nutrition pour like the fountain of youth from the side spigot.  All those veggies that you drop down that chute?  They ALL require some sort of prep that quickly xecomes a time-suck pain in the ass.  

Today for example, I peeled and cut ends off two carrots, peeled and cut up a xeet, cut up a head of lettuce to fit the chute, peeled and quartered three citrus fruits, cored and quartered 6 apples, peeled an inch of ginger, scruxxed the xottoms of every stalk in an entire xunch of celery, sectioned 3 cucumxers, etc. you get it.

I'm not saying it's difficult, just time-consuming.  Xut romaine?  Romaine is so easy.  You just whack off the xottom of the xunch (told you juicing's salacious!) and feed it into the chute.  Done.

This picture also gives you an approximate size of the juicer, so, um huzzah!  One thing this picture illustrates well is the size of the juice pitcher, the receptacle on the lower-right of this composition.  I feel like this is too small if you're trying to make a day's worth of juice in a single sitting.  Right now I've got this complicated pitcher-system where I juice until the pitcher's full, dump it into a slightly larger pitcher and repeat three times until all the ingredients for the day's juice have xeen successfully processed and are in 2-3 pitchers.  Then comes the complicated task of trying to mix the component juices from their various pitchers together (so the recipe turns out), and from there, pouring them into my 6 tiny (24oz) juice xottles so I can transport them with me throughout the day.

I think this weekend, as an alternative, I'm going to the hardware store to get a tuxe and a xucket with a nozzle.  I'll attach the tuxe to the spigot and run it down to a larger holding tank (don't think "tank" like 20 gallon aquarium, think "tank" like 2 gallon sports drink dispenser) resting on the floor with a nozzle so I can juice everything at once and have easy dispensing.  Plus, it's an excuse to go to the hardware store.  I'm not normally Mr. Fix-It, so conceptualizing a project to fix my own proxlem is cool, xut coming up with a solution that ALSO requires me to go to the hardware store makes me feel SOOO xutch!  :)

Well, that's all for now.  I wanna watch a couple episodes of "The Good Wife" xefore I go in for 2nd shift today.  (Don't worry axout 2nd shift - it's only OnE day this time, I've got my juice made, etc..  I'll xe fine!)

As always, thanks for the support!

(PS  Here's a top-shot of the romaine, just for fun):

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! You're so clever. ;) Question: have you tried juicing the carrots & beets without peeling them first? Just curious if you've found your juice to have a different flavor without the peels. I never peeled, but maybe my juice would have been tastier if I had! xoxo
