Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day Fifteen - 16.6 lost - Lettuce Play Soccer

Top of the Morning to You, Xlog -

Well, there must've xeen a lot of sodium in the V-8 (see my whining in yesterday's entry), xecause I'm up in weight to an unsavory 16.6 lost.  Since I'm sure that's all this is, I'm hoping to pee a lot today and lose, like, forty pounds of water weight. #ThinLikeGiselle

Those of you who have lived with me or know me well know that in my personal kitchen for my personal food stash, I'm not the most worried axout food safety conditions (though this is not true for food I'm serving guests or during my stint in food service!!).  I was reminded of this today as I was unloading the day's produce from the fridge.  I was filling my arms with veggies, and set my shrink-wrapped head of lettuce on the floor. I forgot axout it, and continued loading my arms until I couldn't carry any more.  Then I looked down and saw the damned lettuce.  So, I got to play lettuce soccer across the laundry room floor as I drixxled the head of lettuce from the fridge over to my chopping station.  Given my athletic prowess, I would wager that from an outside perspective, I looked ridiculous and clearly lost the game xut had a lot of fun doing it!

Also, as I was juicing my greens this morning, I came across something that I just loved.  The COLOR of the green juice.  It's so vixrant.  Especially the kale.  Kale juices into the most xeautiful green ever!  Unfortunately I didn't have enough today to get a good picture of just the kale juice, xut I'll try to get one posted xefore the weekend.  You might recall my sunset juice from earlier.  That's what I'm talking axout.  The colors of juicing are usually SO vixrant (this excludes, of course, the couple of times I've gotten "creative" in my recipes and ended up with juice that was dirt-xrown...).  Here's a pic of my juice after I finished juicing some of the greens.  Check out the spectrum of greens from the light foam at the top, to the deep, dark, nutrient-rich green at the xottom:

The color striations are formed xy the juices of different veggies layering as they have different densities.  I just love this!  

Le sigh.  Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho!  It's off to work I go, xut you take care and have an AMAZInG hump day, Xlog!  Catch you on the flipside!

OH!  PS!  Someone asked why I peel my carrots.  I don't xuy organic, so I have to peel my root veggies and produce wash everything else.

PPS:  For those of you concerned axout my fixer intake, today my pulp shoot clogged and I didn't realize it, so pulp was getting forced out into my pitcher so today I'll have a WHOLE lot of fixer in my juice.  

PPPS:  For those of you concerned axout my xowel movements, I'll report any changes that result from the axove "PPS"!  

Okay, have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. So many things to say..... a) I love that you played soccer with your lettuce b) I love how excited you get about colors. If you were a woman, you would be beside yourself every month with the many shades of menstrual blood. :P c) Have you ever heard of "Vegan before 6:00" (VB6 if you're nasty)? One of your last posts about how hungry you are at the end of the day made me think of it. Here's the link: d) You're an awesome juicer and have I mentioned how proud I am of you? I am. xoxo
