Well I am back with the fire of 1000 suns! I've been eating a LOT of crap over the last couple weeks. My weight is up, I don't look good physically and I don't feel as GREAT as I did when I was juicing. Being a solutions-oriented man, I searched my soul of souls for the answer, and in that oh-so quiet space I heard my answer: go back to juicing, you big lug!
So, last night I bought some veggies and some fruits. And a 5-gallon cooler. I decided I was going to try making my week's worth of juice in a single sitting. How do you like THEM apples?!
To juice for the week I needed to core TWENTY-ONE apples. It was the worst part of the experience. To my credit, however, I remembered to take the stickers off so I won't be getting the extra kick of fiber...
This was sort of like a journey through Hell. One apple at a time. After the apples were cored, I was left with this:
I've gotten smarter about my other veggie purchases. For example, when selecting sweet potatoes at the market (which is just a classy way to say when I'm dumping an entire box of yams into my cart at Aldi), I try to find the ones that are already long and narrow so I can just throw them down the juice chute without having to prep them at all by chopping them so they're small enough to fit through. I also managed to find beets with the greens still attached at Hy-Vee. Not a MAJOR victory, but I'll take what I can get!
As I was checking out at Hy-Vee, the girl said "this is the most ginger I've ever seen one person by." I put on my best "I don't fuck around" face and just nodded.
So, after juicing for a couple hours, I ended up with this:
5 GALLONS of juice in mah fridge!!
I was sick yesterday and too tired to bottle it, so that's what I did first thing this morning:
So, everything's frozen and ready to go. The research that I've read about freezing your juice ahead of time is that you lose certain minerals like copper. I have never in my life kept track of my copper intake. Like, ever. So if I'm a little copper deficient, I'm sure my body will recover. In the meantime, no more waking up at 5am to juice for this guy!!
I also wanted to point something out. Here's the nutrition value of a bag of kale (I drink one bag per day):
If there are 5.5 servings in a bag, that means every day I'm getting 50% of my calcium, 40% of my iron, etc. from this one ingredient. Here's how much a bag of kale juices down to:
About a thumb's worth of juice. Now add in all the other stuff I'm juicing. For those of you that worry juicing may malnourish you, don't. Even if I only get half the nutrients from the juice, I'm still doing fine!
Okay, that's all I've got for now. It's good to be back "making wise choices"!!!
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